Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Technology Dependant

What is it about technology that is so fascinating?? Cell phones, computers, satellite, microchips, you name it! I am truly amazed at how far it has come in the last century. When I think about all the things my generation has access to, it's just mind boggling. Of course I was alive when dial up internet was invented. I was around when cellular telephones were huge giant bricks and had little tiny antennas you had to pull out in order to get reception. When you watch movies from the 80's or early 90's, it is so funny to know that the technology in those movies was top of the line at that time. The next generation has it best, I think. Oh my goodness. The innovation and creativity people have astounds me. App designers, laptop/tablets(I have one, it's pretty bomb!), water proof cellphones. It's all so much fun!

There is a commercial, that I really like, that promotes the new Samsung galaxy s7 that is water resistant. Real quick I wanna point out that the key word is RESISTANT not water proof. So if you keep the damn thing underwater, it will die. Getting it wet is fine. Hence the term resistant. Anyways, Lil' Wayne is the promoter for this phone. In the commercial, you've probably seen, he is telling his friends, "Look, I can pour champagne on my phone and it still works!" Then him and his friends all say, "Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!" This is my reaction! Like that pretty much sums it up very nicely!! Not to mention that I was a Lil' Wayne fan for a bit there when I was younger. Anyways, that commercial always makes me smile. It always makes me laugh. That is probably the reaction a lot of folks have.

Think about how our grandparents must feel! How much easier would their lives have been had they had all these awesome things that we have? Probably why so many of them get so upset about it. Well my grandmother actually has a nicer phone than I do. She's all about technology! Alas, these things would not be around if someone didn't invent them. Every single idea came from someone's head. From someone's idea. From someone's dream. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Michael Dell, Sundar Pichai. We all know who these people are and what they have accomplished. Just amazing! Then there are coders! Those guys to me are most impressive!! They are the gas to the car if you ask me. Someone has to come up with how this computer can talk to that computer, use a camera to capture your image, send it hundreds of miles away, and put it back together again on the other side. Amazing! These guys change the world with their ability to do this. Machinery works that way too. Automatic machines that build pretty much everything. Someone has to write the language, if you will, that the machines talk with. The codes that translate a bunch of numbers letters and algorithms into "you there! screw on that bolt!". 

Another commercial that comes to mind, I can't remember who it is for, but there is a family and they are sitting in their living room! The father slams a hammer down on the table and says, "This was your grandpappy's hammer. He'd want you to have it." Then the son says, "No no I'll be writing the code that allows the machines to talk to each other. It's innovative technology that will change the world." Then the days says, "Go ahead and pick that up...pick it up. You can't pick it up can you?" The son is just looking so confused. Ha. Then the mom says, "That's okay honey, you're gonna change the world!" It is also funny to me.

It's true, though. The future is in the hands of these coders and their genius. As long as they have a consumer driven audience that is dependent on the product they create, then yes. Medical technology has come a long way as well. Along with physics, space travel, astronomy, black holes. All of those things. We have better understanding of all of these things thanks to innovative minds like Steven Hawking, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla and so many more people that made all this technology possible. It is truly amazing, isn't it?

We can thank the internet for a lot of things too. Websites, email, instant messaging. You can even make a living through the internet. It is crazy to me. Things like the link in the comments.

The crazy thing is, that people take such a huge advantage of all these things. They don't appreciate them. They just use use use. I am curious to see what it would look like if even a splinter of people found themselves without their Facebook. Without their internet and cell phone. Without their Wifi, or satellite TV. My sister has a home phone that is hooked up through an interesting app called google voice. Basically it is a land line, but if you miss the call it forwards the call the cell phone number that is on the account. In this case, my brother in law. It is SO weird having to ask for the person I want to talk to like I'm in the 3rd grade again. I'm so used to her, or everyone really, answering her own cell phone. I felt awkward and weird asking, "Um, is my sister there?" Like I was 9 and calling a boy for the first time. It was kind of funny. To think, that is what my entire childhood consisted of. Interesting, right? Sometimes I think we would revert back to cavemen if cut off from all this technology. Literal riots in the street. Well that's happening anyway. But can you imagine what would happen if the electrical grid shut down and there was no power ANYWHERE? I imagine it would be something like that show Revolution. That is a pretty good show by the way. I mean, I personally have lost my cell phone and freaked out. I won't deny that. But in my defense, I live on a very isolated island, very far from home.

In the words of Forest Gump:

"That's all I have to say about that."

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