Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Holiday Furry

Well it is that time of year again! It starts with Halloween! October 1 hits and everyone is decorating for Halloween. All the craft stores you know of like Hobby lobby or Micheal's, all have so many fun things and ideas you can do to decorate your home quite festively. I prefer Michael's. My husband and I went there because it was right next Petco. We needed to go there to pick up a few things for our animals. Anyways, we went into Michael's to look around and found a whole slew of really interesting and fun decorations for Halloween. Wreaths, skulls, creepy houses, spiders and webbing, witches, ghouls, ghosts, you name it! We didn't splurge but we got a few things. I thought it wasn't enough but Halloween was still weeks away. About a week later, give or take, we went back to Petco and Michael's. This time, it was a HUGE let down. Why? Because almost ALL of the Halloween decorations that were just up, were gone!!! Halloween wasn't for another 3 weeks!!! Why are the decorations gone or marked down 50%!!!??? I'll tell you why. Because these rat bastards needed to make room for CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS!!! Are you serious!!! Halloween isn't even here yet and you're putting up Christmas decorations!!!!??? Not to mention that fact that they skipped right over Thanksgiving decorations!!! None! Not even festive leaves and wreaths. No pumpkins, no scarecrows, no orange and brown colored anything!! It was like an elf walked in and spewed it's disgusting insides from both ends all over the store!!! A friend of mine said she couldn't find Thanksgiving decorations anywhere and IT'S FRICKIN NOVEMBER!!!!!! Thanksgiving is 3 weeks away! Why are there no decorations!!? It just really bugs me that people are so consumer driven!!! It's one thing to enjoy the holidays based on the fact that they are supposed to be about spending time with your kids, and visiting other family members!! Have you turned on the TV? The only thing I ever see anymore is commercials about Macy's and clothing stores. Sales are cool and all, but can you be thankful for what you have first!? Geezus people! I have a few friends and family members that drive me crazy! Putting up their trees and hanging their Christmas decorations, then taking a picture of every wall and spewing their bullshit all over Facebook! It drives me crazy!! It would totally be an overreaction to scream in their face, but that's what blogs are for right! GTFOH Santa lovers!!! For real! Thanksgiving was always important to my family. We sat around and spoke of what truly made us happy. The same things we were thankful for. Being thankful for the time we got to spend with the people that aren't with us anymore. Christmas was saved for the "season of giving". Now it just feels like a contest! Who can buy the coolest, biggest, most extravagant and expensive gift! If you're giving it to someone else isn't that the point? Giving to someone? NOT IF YOU'RE DOING IT TO GET PRAISE! Giving a selfless gift is very rare! Christmas has lost the it's meaning! And Thanksgiving is completely skipped and it pisses me off!! When we were kids my dad used to read to us the story of Jesus and the wisemen that gave gifts and he always put out little symbols that reminded us around Christmas time. He was trying to basically imbed in our brains that Christmas is about more than presents we receive! I'm not gonna get religious on you cuz Christmas originated as a pagan holiday that Christians made theirs. Same as they did Halloween but that is another day's post. Anyways, my point here people is that you're so focused on Christmas and getting stupid ass presents you'll probably return anyway than taking a second to understand why Thanksgiving, a time for giving thanks, and all that is so much more important!! Every year, so much pressure to make sure every one feels loved and special cuz you got them a gift. My kids will not grow up that way. My kids will grow up knowing and understand the very significant difference and the importance of taking the time to celebrate Thanksgiving FIRST!!

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