Monday, March 26, 2018

Writing...for fun or not for fun?

I have always liked writing. Making up stories, writing from experience, or just in general. I have searched and scoured the internet for ways to monetize these blogs and forums I have accounts with. Many of them, are set up in a way that if you write daily and people see and like your posts, then you make a little money. The one I'm currently investing time and energy into is called Steemit. It's relatively new. Not mainstream at all, like blogger. The gist of that platform is to create original content, add some pictures, be creative. Just like any blog. The problem I've been seeing with this platform is that people assume that if you make an article about whatever it is you want to, you will make money. I have seen articles that were 100 words, maybe. Here's a recipe for this, here's some tips on that. The titles suck. Not attention grabbing at all. Another problem is that you only make money if someone with a lot of followers likes or comments on your post. So for us little guys it's like well what about me? I didn't realize I had to be a huge know it all guru to make any money. I was just doing this for fun. Unless some big time advertisement company comes across my stuff and says here write about this and then pays me to do so. Amazon I think does that. Anyways, it takes all the fun out of writing. I find it less encouraging to keep going when there are folks writing about how to earn money and their answer is spend your money and buy votes. This concept eludes me. It basically says that I won't make money unless I spend money. A lot of internet marketing platforms are like that. I didn't realize that my well written, entertaining, and informative articles are not going to get seen because some other yahoo is buying his seat at the cool kids' table. It's kinda ridiculous. Now I'm not saying that these people that write those articles aren't good writers. In fact, I could learn a few things from them. It's just annoying when I write an article about something I enjoy, all my hard work goes right down the drain bc of that. Annoying. So this blog isn't going to be very long. I've said what I need to say for now.

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